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The Sex Terror Revisited

Yesterday’s London Times ran a three page piece called ‘Oral History’ interviewing some of the ‘players’ (or perhaps ‘chancers’ would be more accurate) in the Monica Lewinsky ‘scandal’ that was to engulf the Clinton Presidency for more than a year, lead to his impeachment and, very nearly, to his departure… Read More »The Sex Terror Revisited

The Festering Season

Yes, the festering season is upon us – that fag-end, cold-turkey, limbo-time between Xmas and NY that cruelly drags out the whole experience by another four days – but feels like a fortnight of 1970s Sundays.

Gorby Vuitton

By Mark Simpson (Arena Hommes Plus, Winter 2007) Is it… him? Is it really the man who ended the Cold War? The man who brought down the Berlin Wall – the human face of Soviet Communism, the last face of Soviet Communism? Is he still alive? What in Lenin’s name… Read More »Gorby Vuitton