Mark Simpson interviewed by Italian Swiss TV channel RSI:
Mark Simpson interviewed by Newsweek
‘Metrosexuality is normal now – meet the spornosexual’ LaVanguardia newspaper, Feb 2016
Mark Simpson interviewed by Swedish Public Radio (Dubbed in Swedish)
‘How To Spot a Spornosexual’ Mark Simpson interviewed by ‘The Grooming Guru’ Lee Kynaston
Metrosexuality & The Selfie Sydney Morning Herald
‘The Male Body’ France’s Liberation interviews Simpson
‘We’re All Transexy Now’ Portuguese national newspaper, Publico interviews Simpson
‘The New Frontier of Metrosexuality’ Italian magazine Studio speaks to Simpson (English version here.)
‘Scrape Me With a Strigil!’ Simpson confesses his bathroom habits
‘MetroDaddy Speaks!’ Simpson answers questions from the global media about his “Frankenstein monster with perfect skin, terrorizing and sashaying the globe” in
‘An interview with Mark Simpson’ speaks to Simpson about Saint Morrissey.