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gay marriage

Marry Me, Ms P – But Civilly

A little late -my brain turns to plum pudding during the festering season – I’d like to flag up a section on gay marriage from the stand-up intellectual Camille Paglia’s December column on Mostly of course because it mentions me in a flattering fashion. (If you find mutual love-fests… Read More »Marry Me, Ms P – But Civilly

Is There Sex After Marriage?

A remarkably, refreshingly reasonable treatment of the Spitzer scandal and the indispensable social role of prostitutes by a woman, Minette Marin, in The London Times (if a straight man had written this he would probably have faced a lengthy free sex ban): Right up and down the scale, a man… Read More »Is There Sex After Marriage?

The Trouble With Men

Why can’t gay men be more lesbian? asks Simon Fanshawe’s The Trouble With Gay Men Why can’t gay men grow up? Why can’t they get themselves a nice cat instead of behaving like dirty dogs? Why can’t they listen to Radio Four more instead of trawling the net for sex?… Read More »The Trouble With Men