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Toxic Hegemonic Masculinity Ideology

‘Toxic masculinity’ may not be terribly appetising, but it does seem to be on everyone’s lips these days. The concept originally derives from the gender studies theory of ‘hegemonic masculinity’ – described on Wikipedia as the ‘stereotypic notion of masculinity that shapes the socialization and aspirations of young males’. Although… Read More »Toxic Hegemonic Masculinity Ideology

Glenn Or Glennda?

Last month I spent a stimulating, and highly satisfying, weekend with Glennda Orgasm. Or rather, the artiste formerly known as Glennda Orgasm. My old (but forever youthful) pal Glenn Belverio, who wise-cracked and bang-flicked his way to fame in the early 1990s, his svelte frame clad in couture frocks, on a NYC… Read More »Glenn Or Glennda?