When You Check The Mirror On The Way Out – & Decide To Stay In With Yourself
From ‘Box Menswear’ Facebook Page.
From ‘Box Menswear’ Facebook Page.
Mark Simpson on the decline and fall of male modesty Telly seems to have been hacking my brain lately. The filthiest parts. Just when you thought ITV2, the people who brought us Love Island couldn’t get any more spornographic, and the underdressed, over-muscled guys they insist on making us ogle… Read More »Friends, Bromans, Countrymen, Lend Me Your Rears
A feature in yesterday’s El Pais, the main Spanish daily, by Marita Alonso on the ‘plague’ of spornosexuals (or ‘espornosexuales’) in gyms, on reality TV and dating shows – and the triumph of spornowear (alias spray-on ‘clothes’). I get the blame for it in the first line. Quite rightly. h/t… Read More »Spain Spammed By Spornosexuals
This Summer’s smash-hit dating show is ‘a comedy of compulsory heterosexuality’. (Telegraph Men, 18 July, 2017) Utopian fantasies have long gripped the human imagination. Famous, brainy – but sadly, not very buff – thinkers such as Plato (in the 4th Century BC), Thomas Moore (in the 16th AD), and HG Wells… Read More »Love Island – ITV’s Primetime Spornotopia
Finally! Spornosexuals no longer have to run the risk of socialising with people who don’t work out, own no Lycra, and think that whey isolate sounds absolutely vomitous. Now, thanks to a Munich-based company, spornos have their very own ‘social’ app that will allow them to find, locate and interact with other spornos… Read More »Gymder – The Spornosexual Social App