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From Sportsmen to Sporno Stars

by Mark Simpson (The London Times, 28 July, 2008) Next week the V&A opens an exhibition called Fashion v Sport, profiling the relationship between the sports and fashion industries – a relationship that seems to be flourishing despite the habit of many of today’s sportsmen and women of wearing less… Read More »From Sportsmen to Sporno Stars

Bin Laden’s Metro Makeover Betrays His Whereabouts

Retrosexuality Islamic style – which until recently was possibly the only un-ironic or non-fashion-accessorised kind of retrosexuality left – seems to be in a bad way in the Islamic heartland. Medievalism just isn’t what it used to be. Yesterday’s London Times carries a news feature on what’s termed “Pakistan’s metrosexual… Read More »Bin Laden’s Metro Makeover Betrays His Whereabouts

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