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It’s a Queer World Available on Kindle

A warped look at a fin de siècle world of 1990s pop cul­ture where noth­ing is quite as straight — or gay — as it seems.

It’s a Queer World, based on Mark Simpson’s monthly columns of the same name for Attitude magazine, turned out to be both a valedictory for the 20th century and something of a prophetic text for the post-sexual sexed-up 21st century we’re now browsing in.

First published 1996 by Vintage, UK (1999, Haworth US). Now available in a slightly slimmed-down 2014 Kindle edition. —

“With wicked, wacky humour, this book is one of the most enter­tain­ing ever writ­ten on pop­u­lar cul­ture and sexu­al­ity” — GT Magazine

“An acerbic delight from cover to cover.… Simpson excels at cast­ing a cyn­ical gaze over British and American pop cul­ture with hil­ari­ous res­ults. Bitchy yet pithy is a rare com­bin­a­tion to pull off, but Mark Simpson has it in buck­ets.”” – Bay Windows

You’d have to be a chronic depress­ive not to laugh.” — New Statesman & Society 

“Brilliant… ser­i­ously funny.” — Scotland on Sunday 

“Mark Simpson is one of the bright­est writers around, as this col­lec­tion amply proves.”  – Time Out

“May bring a tear to your eye.” — Irish Gay Community News 

“Erudite, incis­ive, sassy… fresh, hil­ari­ous.” — Publishers Weekly 

Spunky.” — Lambda Book Report

The lit­er­ary equi­val­ent of a very dry mar­tini imbibed at high alti­tude. Giddy, ginny cyn­icism at its best.” — Glenn Belverio

“Simpson at his scath­ing and irre­press­ible best… a fierce ana­lytic intel­li­gence, a zippy and incis­ive way with words and an inex­haust­ible sense of adven­ture.” — Dr David Halperin 

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