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Mark Simpson’s Inside Story on the US Army’s Gay Porn Scandal

The current (May) issue of the proudly metrosexual Details magazine includes an ‘undercover’ exclusive by yours truly on the globally-reported gay porn scandal involving paratroopers from the elite 82nd Airborne, ‘America’s Honor Guard’. Billed charmingly at the top of the front cover as: ‘INSIDE THE SORDID PORN SCANDAL THAT’S ROCKING… Read More »Mark Simpson’s Inside Story on the US Army’s Gay Porn Scandal

Brokeback Mountain on Ice

Apparently, Brokeback Mountain is now available on DVD. Save yourself some money and watch this clip instead. It’s free, it’s a lot more fun, you get six cowboys instead of two, they don’t age, none of them get tyre-ironed, they have a lot more sexy moments and there’s no mumbling dialogue.… Read More »Brokeback Mountain on Ice

The Trouble With Men

Why can’t gay men be more lesbian? asks Simon Fanshawe’s The Trouble With Gay Men Why can’t gay men grow up? Why can’t they get themselves a nice cat instead of behaving like dirty dogs? Why can’t they listen to Radio Four more instead of trawling the net for sex?… Read More »The Trouble With Men

Curiouser & Curiouser: The Strange ‘Disappearance’ Of Male Bisexuality

The recent spate of media reports of the commonness of female bisexuality – and the ‘non-existence’ of the male variety – prompts Mark Simpson to ponder the real, ‘red-blooded’ nature of the ‘bi-curious’ times we’re living in. Male bisexuality doesn’t exist. Or it’s very, very rare. Or it’s really just gay men in… Read More »Curiouser & Curiouser: The Strange ‘Disappearance’ Of Male Bisexuality

To Their Manor Born

Before the Thames-side inner London boroughs became places of lattes and loft apartments, they were the ancestral domain of the white working class. But as ‘The Likes of Us: a history of the white working class’ points out, it’s not fashionable to acknowledge that. By Mark Simpson (Independent on Sunday,… Read More »To Their Manor Born

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