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Dogging Firemen: The Naked Truth About That ‘Disturbing Gay Orgy’

What a carry on in the dark! The very widely-reported story of the Avon firemen disciplined for bringing the Fire Brigade into disrepute and unauthorised use of their fire engine (and torches) is both fnarrr funny and funny peculiar. But the most peculiar aspect of it, and certainly the most serious,… Read More »Dogging Firemen: The Naked Truth About That ‘Disturbing Gay Orgy’

Bin Laden’s Metro Makeover Betrays His Whereabouts

Retrosexuality Islamic style – which until recently was possibly the only un-ironic or non-fashion-accessorised kind of retrosexuality left – seems to be in a bad way in the Islamic heartland. Medievalism just isn’t what it used to be. Yesterday’s London Times carries a news feature on what’s termed “Pakistan’s metrosexual… Read More »Bin Laden’s Metro Makeover Betrays His Whereabouts

The Death of the Retrosexual

To paraphrase the world’s most famously dissatisfied customer Mr Praline (played by an eloquently irate Python, John Cleese), I know a dead parrot when I see one and I’m looking at one now.  The retrosexual is dead. He has ceased to be. If marketers hadn’t nailed ‘im to the perch ‘e’d be pushing up… Read More »The Death of the Retrosexual

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