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The Men’s Health Power Bottom Workout

I think I mentioned before how important a well-rounded, firm, ‘objectified’ butt was to spornosexuals. That it’s about tits and arse.

Here’s a chap from Men’s Health eagerly demonstrating 39 ‘butt building exercises’.

I’m guessing the 40th is the one suggested by all the others.

1 thought on “The Men’s Health Power Bottom Workout”

  1. For as long as I have been following these publications on check-out lines or in news kiosks (more years than I care to report) each issue of Men’s Health and Men’s Fitness have featured (minor) variations on the same three basic articles 1) how to have great abs in (15, 20, 30) minutes per week, 2) how to build muscle and lose fat, and 3) (25, 30, 50) things you can do to drive her wild in bed — the last being gratuitous since I appreciated who their target audience was even before I knew that I was a part of it.

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