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Mark Simpson’s Barcelona UOC Lecture in La Vanguardia

A write-up in La Vanguardia of my lecture ‘From Metrosexual to Spornosexual – a Permanent Spectacular Revolution’ at the ‘Men in Movement‘ conference in Barcelona last week, which was organised by the Arts and Humanities department of Universitat Oberta de Catalunya.

LaVanguardia Simpson Spornosexuals-1
LaVanguardia Simpson Spornosexuals-2

Many thanks to everyone involved for their hard work and kind hospitality. With special thanks to Dr Begonya Enguix Grau, the driving force behind this timely event – someone who not only knows her anthropological onions, but also the best places to visit in Barcelona and was great, generous company despite having broken her toe the previous week.

She even managed to organise warm and sunny weather in late November.

Barca beach tower

2 thoughts on “Mark Simpson’s Barcelona UOC Lecture in La Vanguardia”

  1. Happy to see that you’re getting lecture appointments: I think that’s the sign of true success . Hope you are brushed up on your Spanish . I should be very successful. Bravo!

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