Yours truly will be giving talk on ‘Sporno: How sport got into bed with gay porn – with Mr Armani taking pictures ‘ in Berlin on Thursday 18th June – i.e. tomorrow – at 8pm at the Dorrie * Priess Gallery (details below), courtesy of Manner-Magazin, CSD and Queer Nations. It’s a dirty job, but someone has to do it.
It will be richly illustrated.
Sorry for the very tardy notice….
Dörrie * Priess Berlin
Ulrich Dörrie / Holger Priess
Yorckstr. 89 a
D-10965 Berlin
Tel. (+49) 030/ 7889 5533
well hello Mr. Simpson
Actually, the interesting context of this phenomenon, bears consideration in the light of meterosexuality. In fact, American males(presumably straight) have taken such a dive into the land of Narcisis, that the host of male health magazines is by far more bodycentric; the covers,, e.g.,all the frenzy of new ‘abs ‘stars etc. that the fag mags are noticably tame and prudish. And obviously guys buy these en mass; I was literally a little confused and embarassed by my older brothers pornographic collection of male exercise health journals.
No more ‘girlie mags, or Trucker hoties. Just hot men: the only thing they don’t do is to show hot butts, an avenue of adventure still left for the men.
And there have to be some with the straight lads. Those stepping machines must do wonders for the ass musculatures. we all know that thereis no more inspiring experience than looking up from the shower room bench square into a well rounded high riding ass.
I hope you that you think to havea transcript of sorts . Gosh you have gotten world renown. Berlin: hope you can speak english there
And just the issue I wanted you to address: moreso, why are ameriacn gays so adverse to this adventure, apart from athletes being ugly and /or wearing body armor. Nothing tarty about a fat guy all bundled up in football padding, or so long and lanky as to belong in a freak show..
Baseballersmiht be good looking -might just but wth snuff drooling out their mouths.
Aargh! Next time give us more notice, I’d have flown to Berlin to see that.
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