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Puppetry Without Penis

Arching a bitchy eyebrow at Anglo K-pop TV experiment Made in Korea Back in 1994, the year of the metrosexual’s birth, and the height of boybandery, my agent sent the BBC (and, I think, ITV) my proposal for a series exploring whether a boyband could be manufactured from scratch, with the working… Read More »Puppetry Without Penis

Randall & Hopkirk (Redux)

Remembering Kenneth Cope’s immaculate ‘Marty’ Mr Hopkirk – aka Kenneth Cope – is, sadly, deceased. Again. Though this time at the ripe old age of 93, instead of cut-off-in-his-prime. As a kid I loved the 1969 ITC produced UK detective show he is best known for, Randall and Hopkirk (Deceased), about two private… Read More »Randall & Hopkirk (Redux)

Stranger Danger

Dwelling upon the day-dreamy romance movie ‘All of Us Strangers’ I finally found it within myself to overlook all the rave reviews and watch All of Us Strangers. It was free on Disney +, I had a bad cold, and was bored. And maybe feeling a bit sorry for myself.  Andrew… Read More »Stranger Danger

James Bond’s Gay Test

Hulu’s George Lazenby doc is a ‘curious’ yarn I recently caught up with the curious Hulu 2017 docudrama ‘Becoming Bond‘ about George Lazenby, the Australian male model who was the first 007 after Connery – and, famously, for only one film: ‘On Her Majesty’s Secret Service’ (1969). He was also… Read More »James Bond’s Gay Test

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