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Careerists, Capitalists and Creeps

‘Britain’s New Power Elites’, Hywel Williams (Constable, £12.99) by Mark Simpson (Independent on Sunday, 14 May 2006) ‘Among the most significant achievements of the modern British elite,” argues Hywel Williams, limbering up in the early pages of his polemic against Britain’s rulers in the form of an incompetent executive class,… Read More »Careerists, Capitalists and Creeps

The Metrosexual isn’t Dead, He’s Just Power-Napping on the Sunbed

The Times recently ran a feature by Andrew Billen called ‘Metrosexual R.I.P.?’ wondering whether the metrosexual was now dead in the wake of the recent closure of Conde Nast men’s shopping magazine Cargo.  The piece below by yours truly ‘This trend’s not dead – just dead common’ ran alongside. I wasn’t shown Billen’s… Read More »The Metrosexual isn’t Dead, He’s Just Power-Napping on the Sunbed

The Trouble With Men

‘Why can’t gay men be more lesbian?’ seems to be the question posed by Simon Fanshawe’s The Trouble With Gay Men Why can’t gay men grow up? Why can’t they get themselves a nice cat instead of behaving like dirty dogs? Why can’t they listen to Radio Four more instead… Read More »The Trouble With Men

To Their Manor Born

Before the Thames-side inner London boroughs became places of lattes and loft apartments, they were the ancestral domain of the white working class. But as ‘The Likes of Us: a history of the white working class’ points out, it’s not fashionable to acknowledge that. By Mark Simpson (Independent on Sunday,… Read More »To Their Manor Born

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