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Guy Ritchie: How Gay is He?

Is the husband of the world’s most famous ‘gay man trapped in a woman’s body’ a homophobe?  Or a conflicted homophile? Or both?

Promoting his new book, Madonna’s brother Christopher Ciccone has been claiming that absurdly straight acting Guy Ritchie’s homophobia is one of the reasons why he and his slightly more famous sister are no longer on speaking terms.

You don’t have to buy Ciccone’s memoirs though to unearth evidence that Guy has some ‘issues’. Just watch his homoerotic, homosocial and homophobic gangbanger movies – all the ‘homos’ are here.  As luck would have it, there’s another due out shortly, called RocknRolla.  I’ve yet to see it, but reportedly, it’s even more ‘homo’ than his previous films – and no less confused.

In the meantime, here’s a diagnosis I penned for the Independent on Sunday eight years ago when Ritchie’s second film Snatch was released. Like Eminem, another gangster/gangsta groupie who came to prominence around the same time as Ritchie in the early Noughties, the homophobia in his work seems like a kind of highly conflicted and highly erotic homophilia.

Actually, it’s more like homomania – literally being unable to stop thinking and talking about bumming and practically drawing pictures for us. Which is probably what I have in common with him – though I’d like to think I’m slightly more self-aware.

In Ritchie’s world – as in Em’s – buggery is the only kind of sex there is. The only ‘snatch’ in Snatch belongs to men.

What Sort of a Guy’s Guy is Guy Ritchie?

Mark Simpson wonders whether Madonna’s husband is a gay man trapped in a straight man’s body

(Independent on Sunday, August 27, 2000)

“Do you have big brave balls,” asks human Rottweiler Vinnie Jones in a standoff moment in Guy Ritchie’s new movie Snatch, “or mincey faggot balls?”

We don’t entertain any doubts about the circumference of Vinnie’s testicles – and not just because he flashes a gun big enough to make Linda Lovelace gasp. What’s more, with the birth of Guy Ritchie’s son Rocco, the whole world knows that the 31-year-old writer-director of the spectacularly successful Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels has balls big and brave enough to impregnate Madonna.

But is this middle-class gangster-groupie so sure about what kind of balls he himself dangles? On the basis of his curiously sexually ambivalent output, it seems Ritchie – like his vast, appreciative young male audience – is more than a little worried about the possibility that he might have ‘mincey faggot balls’ after all.

Let’s not beat around the Bull and Bush here: the Lock, Stock and Snatch genre – and the lad magazine culture from which it seems to have sprung – is a kind of gay porn for straight men (or rather, straight boys). As with his first film, Snatch is obsessed with buggery. Its “mockney geezer” dialogue is thick with references to ”aving me pants pulled down’, being ‘bent over’, ‘full penetration’, and being ‘f–ked’. This isn’t very surprising since, as in Ritchie’s Lock, Stock and the spin-off TV series he executive-produced, women are conspicuous by their absence – the only snatch in Snatch belongs to other men. Hence the obsession with ‘hard men’ and ‘pussies’; those who take and those who are taken. The erotics of Ritchie’s cinematic universe seem to be that of the prison showers (or the public school dormitory).

Ritchie is a hot ticket at the moment because, in an age of masculine confusion, he is the pre-eminent example of a rising phenomenon: the homohetero. Exclusively and adamantly heterosexual in the bedroom, the homohetero is nevertheless entranced by masculine images, forever fantasising about a world of homosociality that is just a dropped bar of soap away from homosexuality. Could it be that Guy Ritchie – who lives with the woman famously described as a gay man trapped in a woman’s body – is a gay man trapped in a straight man’s body?

Perhaps this is why Snatch begins with a jokey disavowal of homosexuality. “Turkish”, the central character and narrator (played by the very handsome “man’s man” Jason Statham), introduces himself and ‘me partner, Tommy’, adding quickly, ‘I don’t mean “partner” in the sense of ‘olding ‘ands.’ And there’s certainly a lot to disavow. The nearest thing to a sex scene in Lock, Stock was the lovingly shot, soft-focus, all-male pub party where the lads get very drunk, wrestle and light each other’s farts, before falling into a blissful, exhausted post-orgasmic sleep. In the first episode of the TV series, they try to flog some dodgy porn to a fence. ‘It’s not gay, is it?’ he asks, worriedly. ‘Do we look like a couple of rear-gunners?’ the pretty boys retort.

Well, now that you ask, yes. After a fashion. Certainly, as shown in his films, Ritchie’s relationship to masculinity is a bit “gay”. Like Loaded and FHM – lad mags selling a commodified, aestheticised masculinity back to a generation of young men alienated from it in their own lives – it’s the supplicatory, nerdish and slightly masochistic perspective of the wannabe. Take Ritchie’s idolatrous, near-erotic camera-worship of “hard man” Vinnie Jones. The most memorable scene in Lock, Stock features Vinnie repeatedly slamming a car door on a man’s head in slow motion to uplifting music. The power of this religiously intense scene stems from the way that much of it is shot from the point of view of the victim – Ritchie and the audience are looking up admiringly at Vinnie “doing his nut”. It’s a moment which Jean Genet could have directed.

Ritchie can be touchy about his image. Asked a few worshipful questions recently about his taste in clothes by FHM, he became a tad defensive, spraying about the words ‘fruity’, ‘queeny’, ‘f—ing fruit-tree’ and ‘mincey’, and declaring that he would be happiest ‘in a gladiator outfit’ (a leather skirt?).

But then, Ritchie’s disavowal is deep-rooted. Though he now denies claiming anything of the sort, Ritchie is famously said to have reinvented and relocated his past: ‘I’ve lived in the East End for 30 years,’ he was quoted as saying last year. ‘I’ve been in a load of mess-ups … I’ve been poor all of my life …’ It was subsequently revealed that he spent much of his childhood at Loton Park, the 17th- century home of his baronet stepfather. Coming from this background, Ritchie understands that “street” is sexy – and that, conversely, middle-class balls are ‘mincey faggot balls’. ‘They’re poofs. Soft as shite … faggots’ is the verdict of one of Ritchie’s crims in Lock, Stock on the clownish public-schoolboy ganja growers – who are humiliated and dispensed with early on in the film.

It’s not just the nice middle-class boys, though. In a post-feminist era, most men are wondering what a masculine world might look like. As Brad Pitt puts it in another homo-hetero movie, Fight Club: ‘We’re a generation of men raised by women. Maybe another woman isn’t what we need.’ (Appropriately enough, Pitt makes an appearance in Snatch, reprising his Fight Club role as a bare-knuckle fighter.) No wonder a generation of boys is so interested in seeing ‘big brave balls’ at the cinema.

But this fascination doesn’t come without its own anxieties. And, ironically, it’s the squeamishness of Ritchie in particular – and homoheteros in general – about actual homosexuality that gives the lie to their lowlife fantasies. In Lock, Stock, one of the lads explains the perfect scam: place an ad for ‘Arse Ticklers Faggot Fan Club anal-intruding dildos’ in gay magazines, and wait for the cheques to roll in. Then, send out letters saying that you’re out of stock and enclose a cheque stamped ‘Arse Ticklers Faggot Fan Club’. ‘Not a single soul will cash it!’ we’re told. (Obviously Ritchie didn’t know many fags when he wrote that.) It could be said that Ritchie and lad culture have been running that scam ever since the appearance of Lock, Stock – selling us a promise of something titillating that never quite arrives.

All in all, it seems both a paradox and entirely apt that big brave ball-fixated Ritchie lives with the ultimate gay icon: a woman whom many men would consider to be the biggest ball-buster in the world; an older partner whose own success and fame easily dwarfs his. But watching Lock, Stock, Snatch et al, maybe Ritchie’s interest in Madonna isn’t so surprising.

As he puts it himself: ‘I like her, because she’s ballsy’.

This essay is collected in Sex Terror: Erotic Misadventures in Pop Culture

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11 thoughts on “Guy Ritchie: How Gay is He?”

  1. JDG: You’re right that GR’s take on homosexuality appears to have changed since then (‘Rocknrolla’ had an openly gay character, played by Tom Hardy).

    I suppose you can’t live with Madonna in West London for all those years and not get to know a lot of gays. And be ticked off by some of them for your adolescent views. And who knows? Guy might even have finally consummated his fascination with bumming.

    But I almost find myself nostalgic for the boys-together, backs-against-the-wall homo-obsession of yesteryear. AFter all, it’s what I grew up with – like Ritchie, I went to an all-boys boarding school.

    I’ve not seen the second GR ‘Sherlock Holmes’ but I think I’m going to have to in order to update this analysis….

  2. Hey Mark, it’s been 11 years now that you’ve written this first article, and I’m verey interested in knowing what you think of the two Sherlock Holmes Ritchie realesed these last yars, because this time he’s not exactly dissing gays anymore, and his two main character are almost openly gay.
    Sounds like the tone of Ritchie’s take on homosexuality has a bit changed. How do you read this slight change of direction ?

  3. Gays have it all wrong … Guy Ritchie is a typical straight guy!!

    … And, yes, he does seem to have a strong sexual thing for men, but that is what makes him all the more straight.

    Because, all males who are really straight have a strong thing for men. And being straight is actually about being a masculine gendered male, and not really about being a heterosexual, whether exclusive or not. The latter is a WRONG definition of straight created by western ‘third genders’ (queers).

    And yes, all straight males (ok, nearly all) hate ‘homosexuals’ because, homosexuals are third genders who wrongly define themselves as ‘men who like men’ and thereby take away the space for the actual men to like men. And the ‘homosexuals’ are the ones who have forced the definition ‘heterosexual’ on the actual men.

    And, yes, straights also intensely hate the ‘homosexuals’ because its because of them that a man cannot love another man without losing his manhood, without being seen as an effeminate, as unmanly … that a man cannot love another man without being isolated from the men’s spaces and identity, into the third gender ‘gay’ category. In other words, men today cannot love another man without being ‘gay.’ And this is why the more intensely a straight man feels a need for intimacy with men, the more hostile he becomes towards gays, and gay relationships. There really is no confusion here, except in the minds of queers.

    That is why third genders (those who rather wrongly define themselves as ‘homosexual’), are not lying when they see through the intense desire of straight males like Guy Ritchie for men, however, what they fail to see is that this does not make Guy Ritchie a non-straight, … and it doesn’t make him one of the ‘homosexuals,’ or queer or non-straights — not because Guy Ritchie has proved himself by having had sex with Madonna and producing a baby, but because Guy Ritchie is a ‘man,’ a masculine gendered male, while the ‘gays’ or so-called ‘homosexuals’ are queers or third genders.

    The essence of homophobia is not a dislike of sexuality or intimacy between men, but its a strong dislike of third genders, of male effeminacy. And this dislike is not a fault of straight males, but of the queer males themselves, for it is them who have infringed upon the sexual and social spaces of men, and confused their gender orientation with sexuality, by creating the invalid concept of ‘sexual orientation.’

  4. oooh i just luv ..misssssss guy ritchie,,shes so gay ..isnt she…..useing as a beard,honestly ,realy ..dear.. these poor little rich boys fetishizing rough tuff working class men ..litteraly worshipping them..jesus tooooo much..guy dear it gives the game away..girl..and to be homophobic..dead givaway..come out..come out where ever you

  5. He does look like a text-book example – even if I spend most of my time burning text-books. He looks, in fact, like I might have done if I hadn’t had a highly developed sense of the ridiculous.

    But perhaps the clincher is that Madonna’s (ex) brother claims that it’s down to Guy that he became persona non grata and he’s also the reason that Madge has no gay dancers any more.

    He can’t stand the competition.

  6. Any man who acts over-the-top masculine is either a gay guy straight-acting or truly over-the-top masculine. In 90% of cases, it truly is a gay guy straight-acting, and this seems to be the case with this Ritchie fellow…

  7. Mr Madonna has a seriously gay face. I know we are not suposed to say that,but c’mon just look at him!It is something about those little pouty lips….

  8. Poofery & poncery indeed!
    Mark, you mean to tell me that Guy Ritchie and Madonna have anything other than a purely hetero, chaste, loving, legitimate relationship… and he makes bad films?!

    Well, his “beard” just turned 50 and looks more like a lad than he does at this point! I just hope that when he finally splits from Madge, they set aside loads of money for the therapy that Lourdes, Rocco & little David will most definitely need!

    Please write your next missive about my other favorite hot English mess Amy Crackhouse, I mean Winehouse!

  9. Mark dahlink, what IS this poofy shite disparaging a paragon of contemporary mockney hobosexuality? Gay Ritchie is CLEARLY the straightest man on EARTH – hell, just ask his bald black karate instructor he likes to wrestle with, as I saw in some shitbox Maddy ho-flickershow cockblockdoc where she was bemoaning the face he seemed to enjoy wrestling with his lovemate more than her.

    And let’s face it, who wouldn’t? Maddy has a bigger cock than I do these daze. She’s s far cry, and a far wank, from the soft feminine titjiggle hotcunt giggletease bird she was back in the early-to-mid 80s. I love how English middle class cinema reveres the old Alfie-alike archetype, the fannyfucker fuck-off-poofs straightboy hard cunt (or hard cock, whatever), because it knows it so so soft and weak and pathetic, emo for cinemagoers.

    Fuck it. I had a point somewhere but lost it. Guinness and sunstroke will do that for you; and I’m sure Gay would like some son stroking him somwhere…


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